Topics :

圓 通 透
Round, Flow and Permeate

一個站立的人,打開雙腿舉起雙手,成一個大字。從頭頂的百會穴至會陰穴拉一條直線,這是人體的中心線。由丹田 、命門 同時向裡伸延,在中心線上的交匯點是人體的中心點。打拳演架子時裹襠吊襠,丹田一吞一吐,命門一呼一吸,圍繞著中心點形成一個中心圈。中心圈像漣漪一般放大,至兩個肩關節兩個胯關節,這是人體的內圈。再伸延下去是兩個肘關節兩個膝關節,這是中圈。外圈是手腕腳腕,手足就是外圍了,也可稱為梢。由中心向四周鼓蕩至梢是放大,反之是縮小,是太極拳圓的變化。

A man stands with legs apart and arms up like a Chinese character, 大 (dà, meaning big). The straight line drawing from the hundred convergence cavity (bǎihuì xué) at the top of the head down to the perineum cavity (huìyīn xué) is the central axis of the human body. The junction where the dantien and the lifegate extending inwardly and meeting at the axis is the centre. In performing form routine, coordinate with round crotch, absorbing and releasing of the dantien and breathing in and out of the lifegate around the centre, a central circle is formed. The circle enlarges like a ripple reaching the joints of shoulders and pelvis and forms an inner circle of the body. When the circle further enlarges to the joints of elbows and knees, it becomes the middle circle. The external circle is at the wrists and ankles. The four limbs are the outer circumference, also called extremities. The variation of roundness in Taiji lies in the expansion of the circle vibrating from the centre to all sides till the extremities and vice versa as that in contraction.


In terms of roundness, all parts of the body linking together through every joint can be understood as circulating through. The way jing initiated from the leg, dominated by the waist and manifested in fingers is passing through. The tip of tongue slightly touched the palate is connecting the Governing Meridian (Dūmài) and the Conceptive Meridian (Rènmài). The distance between both hands should be linked through with the wisdom mind when arms round up like holding a ball during form practice, The energy of the sole being transmitted up joint by joint to the hand and from the hand down to the land by wisdom mind is creating a jing channel. All these are the “flow” of Taijiquan (tàijíquán de tōng).

太極拳有內三合外三合之說。我教拳時也講三合,是 “ 精、氣、神 ”合而為一,成為一體。要求學員將煩惱暫且放下,打拳就是打拳,要聚精會神。精氣神匯聚一體,觀照著全身每一個部位,不可以懶散。身體的能量如水般流動,如氣般蒸騰,滲透至身體內外每一空間。這是太極拳的透。圓、通、透是邁入太極拳世界的大道。

There are theories of Three Internal Harmonies and Three External Harmonies in Taijiquan. When I teach students Taijiquan, I also talk about Three Harmonies, namely, Jing (Essence) , Qi (Energy) and Shen (Spirit) gather together as a whole. I require my students to put aside their troubles and focus on Taijiquan that they are practicing. They are not allowed being lazy. They must pay attention to every part of their body by convergence of Jing, Qi and Shen into oneness. Only then can energy in the body flows like water, rises like steaming air and permeates into each space inside and outside the body. This is the permeability of Taijiquan. The trinity of roundness, flow, and permeability is a broad way leading to the world of Taijiquan.

By Patrick SW Chan
Translated by Lydia Cheung